Mary Lou Kayser

Cornerstone Conversations

The Art of Personal Branding

To play in the big leagues these days, every professional must design, develop and manage their personal brand. Companies that invest in helping their people create a personal brand see boosts in popular benchmarks including talent retention, productivity and engagement.

Writing and Leadership

People who know how to write well simply do better throughout their lives. Leaders who can communicate clearly in writing often have more confidence, clarity of purpose and the ability to cultivate cohesive teams and organizations.

Showing Up to Creativity

Creativity is one of the most highly prized skills in today's workplace, yet too many people remain on the outside of their creative potential. Developing a creative practice isn't as far out of reach as some would believe, and can yield tremendous returns for individuals and their organizations.

Purpose as a Leadership Practice

Topping the list of essential 21st century leaderships skills is purpose, a skill that can be learned, practiced and nurtured over time. Leaders who develop a practice around purpose will reap the greatest rewards beyond just profits and growth in the coming years.